Hydraulics: floods, dam breaks, wave
Course content (42 hr, 3 credits): shallow water equations, flooding, flash floods, dam break, waves
Course material
- Lecture notes: Notes (in French) (version 16.1 from 30/01/2022).
- To deepen the mathematical developments, a supplement is available.
- Slides (in French)
chapitre 1 : Saint-Venant equations (shallow water equations).
chapitre 2 : floods
chapitre 3 : dambreaks
chapitre 4 : waves
session 1: initiation to Iber (flume flow).
session 2: study of flooding using Iber (on the River Navisence, VS). Data provided from private server.
session 3: dambreak using Iber. Data provided from private server.
session 4: flood propagation avec Iber (on the River Navisence, VS). Data provided from private server.
session 5: kinematic wave approximation using Matlab (application to the River Navisence, VS). Data provided from private server. matlab script
Further information on iber:
Students are assessed on the basis of an oral exam (50% project + 50% oral). The oral examination includes 3 types of questions: a general question on the fundamentals (bachelor’s level, basic knowledge of hydraulics: calculation of a steady state, etc.), a question on the material seen during the semester; a broader question on how to best solve an engineering problem.
- Floods and dams
- Marche, C., Barrage, crues de rupture et protection civile, Presses Internationales Polytechniques, Montréal, 2004.
- ICOLD, Étude d’onde de submersion de barrage, synthèse et recommandations, International Commission on Large Dams, Paris, 1998.
- Dams and embankments
- ICOLD, Évaluation du risque dans la gestion de la sécurité du barrage, International Commission on Large Dams, Paris, 1998.
- Peyras, L., and P. Mériaux, Retenues d’altitude, Quæ éditions, Versailles, 2009.
- Royet, P., Sécurité des barrages en service, Cemagref édition, Antony, 1994.
- Degoutte, G., Les déversoirs sur digues fluviales, Editions Quae, Versailles, 2012.
- Sinniger, R.O., and W.H. Hager, Constructions hydrauliques, 439 pp., Presses Polytechniques Romandes, Lausanne, 1989 ; Hager, W.H., et A. Schleiss, Constructions hydrauliques: écoulements stationnaires, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Lausanne, 2009.
- Schleiss, A., and H. Pougatsch, Les barrages : du projet à la mise en service, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Lausanne, 2011.
- Hydraulics
- Thual, O, Hydrodynamique de l’environnement, Presses de l’Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, 2010
- Graf, W.H., et M.S Altinakar, Hydraulique fluviale, PPUR, Lausanne, 1996. Voir chapitre 5.
- Degoutte, G., Diagnostic, aménagement et gestion des rivières – hydraulique et morphologie fluviales appliquées, Lavoisier, Paris, 2006.
- Chanson, H., The Hydraulics of Open Channel Flow: An Introduction, Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann, Amsterdam, 2004. Voir chapitres 13 à 17.
- Hydrology
- Spreafico, M., R. Weingartner, M. Barben, and A. Ryser, Evaluation des crues dans les bassins versants de Suisse, OFEG, Berne, 2003.
- Hingray, B., B. Picouet, and A. Musy, Hydrologie 2 : une science pour l’ingénieur, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romands, Lausanne, 2009.
- Meylan, P., A.-C. Favre, and A. Musy, Hydrologie fréquentielle, 173 pp., Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Lausanne, 2008.
- Musy, A., and C. Higy, Hydrologie 1. Une science de la nature, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Lausanne, 2004.
- Numerical methods
- Wu, W., Computational River Dynamics, Taylor \& Francis, London, 2007.
- Goncalvès, E., Résolution numérique (cours de l’INPG, Grenoble, 2005).
- LeVeque, R.J., Finite Difference Methods for Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, 2007.
- LeVeque, R.J., Numerical Methods for Conservation Laws, Birkhäuser, Basel, 1992.
- LeVeque, R.J., Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002.
- Toro, E.F., Shock-Capturing Methods for Free-Surface Shallow Flows, Wiley, Chichester, 2001.
Computational hydraulics
- iber computational hydraulic code developed by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. See above for an initation to Iber.
- ClawPack is a Fortran 77 library developed by Randall LeVeque (University of Washington) in collaboration with other people.
- Basement a computational hydraulic code developed at VAW (ETHZ).
- Mascaret developed by EDF.
- HEC RAS”: 1D computational tool. 2DVersion (beta).
- NAYS2DH 2D computational tool including sediment transport and bed morphology evolution, developed by the University of Hokkaido (Yasuyuki Shimizu), part of the i-Ric codes.
- Telemac developed by EDF.
- Center for Computational Hydroscience and Engineering (CCHE) : CCHE1D et CCHE2D codes. Mike Hydro River (superseding Mike 11). Delft 3D and SOBEK developed by Delft Hydraulics.
- OFEN report on Swiss rivers (in German).
- OFEN report on dams.
- OFEN report on small dams.
- wave atlas.
- Rudolf Müller’s slides on dams.
- Dam history. (Comité français des barrages et réservoirs)
- IAHR webpage on tsunamis.
- dam failures across the world
- Dambreak cases
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