
General information

Course content (70 hr, 5 credits): hydrostatics, balance equations, Newtonian fluids, river hydraulics.

The course has been given since 2003/04. This is an introduction to fluid mechanics for civil engineering students. Compared to a conventional course, the content was streamlined and oriented towards applications to open surface hydraulics (rivers and canals) and pipe hydraulics using a generalized form of the Bernoulli equation. The master course gives a more complete overview of free surface hydraulics, with an emphasis on the shallow water equations.

Course content

Lecture notes are available online, but only in French.

The course content is accessible from the dedicated page.

In collaboration with François Gallaire (EPFL/STI/LMFI), an online course (MMOC) has also been offered at the request of EPFL as of 2013. It is available on the EdX platform (self-paced mode) and on youtube.