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Scientific papers
- M. Kiani and C. Ancey, “Bed topography inference from velocity field using deep learning,” Water, 15, 4055, 2023.
- C. Ancey and A. Recking, Scaling behavior of bedload transport—What if Bagnold was right in the end? Earth-Science Reviews, 246 , 104571, 2023 . Electronic supplement .
- Z. Meng, J. Zhang, Y. Hu, and C. Ancey, Temporal prediction of landslide-generated waves using a theoretical-statistical combined method, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11, 1151, 2023
- M. Kiani and C. Ancey, Neural network to infer bed topography from velocity field: U-net architecture on huge experimental data, submitted to Water Resources Research .
- C. Ancey and A. Recking, Scaling behavior of bedload transport—What if Bagnold was right in the end? submitted to Reviews of Geophysics
- G. Rousseau and C. Ancey, An experimental investigation of turbulent free-surface flows over a steep permeable bed, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 941, A51
- M. Kyburz, J. Gaume, B. Sovilla, and C. Ancey, Physics-based estimates of drag coefficients for the impact pressure calculation of dense snow avalanches, Structural Engineering, 254, 113478, 2022.
- M. Kyburz, J. Gaume, B. Sovilla, and C. Ancey, Physics-based estimates of drag coefficients for the impact pressure calculation of dense snow avalanches, Granular Matter, 22, 45, 2022.
- T. Trewhela, J.M.N.T. Gray and C. Ancey, An experimental scaling law for particle-size segregation in dense granular flows, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 916, A55, 2021
- T. Trewhela and C. Ancey, A conveyor belt experimental setup to study the internal dynamics of granular avalanches, Experiments in Fluids 62, 207, 2021
- I. Pascal, C. Ancey and P. Bohorquez, The variability of antidune morphodynamics on steep slopes, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 46, 1750-1765, 2021.
- T. Trewhela, J.M.N.T. Gray and C. Ancey, Large particle segregation in sheared dense granular flows, Physical Review Fluids, 6, 054302, 2021.
- C. Ancey et I. Pascal, Estimating mean bedload transport rates and their uncertainties, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 125, e2020JF005534, 2020.
- C. Ancey,Bedload transport: a walk between randomness and determinism 2. Challenges and prospects. Journal of Hydraulic Research 58, 18-33, 2020
- C. Ancey,Bedload transport: a walk between randomness and determinism 1. State of the art. Journal of Hydraulic Research 58, 1-17, 2020
- Z. Meng, Y. Hu, C. Ancey , Using a data driven approach to predict waves generated by gravity driven mass flows, Water 12, 600, 2020.
- M. Kyburz, J. Gaume, B. Sovilla, and C. Ancey, Decoupling the role of inertia, friction and cohesion in dense granular avalanche pressure build-up on obstacles, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 125, e2019JF005192, 2020.
- T. Trewhela, J.M.N.T. Werder and C. Ancey, Large particle segregation in sheared dense granular flows Physical Review Fluids
- G. Rousseau and C. Ancey, Refractive index-matched scanning of turbulent flows over rough permeable beds, Experiments in Fluids
- C. Ancey, E. Bardou, M. Funk, M. Huss, T. Trewhela, and M. Werder, Hydraulic reconstruction of the 1818 Giétro glacial lake outburst flood, Water Resources Research, 53, 2019.
- Z. Meng and C. Ancey, The effects of slide cohesion on impulse wave formation, Experiments in Fluids 60 151 2019.
- B. Dhont and C. Ancey, “Are bedload transport pulses in gravel-bed rivers created by bar migration or sediment waves?,” Geophysical Research Letters 2018 45 5501-5508.
- K. van der Vaart, K., M.P. van Schrojenstein Lantman, T. Weinhart, S. Luding, C. Ancey, and A.R. Thornton, “Segregation of large particles in dense granular flows suggests a granular Saffman effect,” Physical Review Fluids 3 074303 2018.
- K. van der Vaart, A.R. Thornton, C.G. van Johnson T. Weinhart, T. Ling, P. Gajjar, C. Ancey, “Breaking size-segregation waves and mobility feedback in dense granular avalanches,” Granular Matter 20 46 2018.
- G. Zitti, C. Ancey, M. Postacchini, and M. C. Brocchini, Snow avalanches striking water basins: behaviour of the avalanche’s centre of mass and front, Natural Hazards, 88, 1297-1323, 2017.
- C. Ancey and B. M. Bates, “Stokes’ third problem for Herschel-Bulkley fluids,” Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 243, 27-37, 2017
- B. M. Bates and C. Ancey, “The dambreak problem for eroding viscoplastic fluids,” Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 243, 64-78
- G. Zitti, C. Ancey, M. Postacchini, and M. C. Brocchini, “Impulse waves generated by snow avalanches: Momentum and energy transfer to the water body,” Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 121, 2399-2423, 2016.
- B. Dhont, G. Rousseau, and C. Ancey, “Continuous monitoring of bedload transport in a laboratory flume using an impact sensor,” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 143, 04017005, 2017.
- J. Heyman, P. Bohorquez and C. Ancey, “Entrainment, motion, and deposition of coarse particles transported by water over a sloping mobile bed,” Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 2016 121 1931-1952.
- B. M. Bates, N. Andreini and C. Ancey, “Basal entrainment by Newtonian gravity-driven flows” Physics of Fluids 28 053101
- P. Bohorquez and C. Ancey, “Sediment diffusion in deterministic non-equilibrium bed load transport simulations,” Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40, 7474–7492, 2016.
- P. Gajjar, K. van der Vaart, A.R. Thornton, J.M.N.T Gray, and C. Ancey, Asymmetric breaking size-segregation waves in dense granular free-surface flows,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 794 460–505 .
- C. Ancey, P. Bohorquez and J. Heyman, “Stochastic interpretation of the advection diffusion equation and its relevance to bed load transport,” Journal of Geophysical Research 120, 2529–2551, 2015.
- J.M.N.T Gray and C. Ancey, “Particle size and density segregation in granular free-surface flows,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 779 622–668
- C. Ancey and V. Bain, “Dynamics of snow gliding and glide avalanches,” Reviews of Geophysics 53, 745–784, 2015
- K. van der Vaart, C. G. Johnson, P. Gajjar, J.M.N.T Gray, and C. Ancey, “An underlying asymmetry within particle-size segregation” Physical Review Letters 114 238001, 2015
- P. Bohorquez and C. Ancey, “Stochastic-deterministic modeling of bed load transport in shallow water flow over erodible slope: linear stability analysis and numerical simulation,” Advances in Water Resources 83, 26–54, 2015.
- H.-B. Ma, J. Heyman, X. Fu, F. Mettra, C. Ancey, and G. Parker, “Bedload transport over a broad range of time scales: determination of three regimes of fluctuations,” Journal of Geophysical Research 119, 2653-2673, 2015.
- J. Heyman, H.-B. Ma, F. Mettra, and C. Ancey, “Spatial correlations in bed load transport: Evidence, importance, and modeling,” Journal of Geophysical Research 119, 1751-1767, 2014
- C. Ancey and J. Heyman “A microstructural approach to bed load transport: mean behaviour and fluctuations of particle transport rates,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 744, 129-168, 2014.
- B. M. Bates, C. Ancey, and J. Busson, “Visualization of the internal flow properties and the material exchange interface in an entraining viscous Newtonian gravity current,” Environmental Fluid Mechanics 14, 501-518, 2014
- J. Heyman, F. Mettra, H.B. Ma, and C. Ancey, “Statistics of bedload transport over steep slopes: Separation of time scales and collective motion,” Geophysical Research Letters 40, 128-133, 2013.
- C. Ancey, N. Andreini, and G. Epely-Chauvin “The dam-break problem for concentrated suspensions of neutrally buoyant particles,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 724, 95–122, 2013.
- N. Andreini, C. Ancey, and G. Epely-Chauvin, “Ancey, C., N. Andreini, and Epely-Chauvin, Granular suspensions. II. Plastic behavior,” Physics of Fluids, 25, 033301, 2013.
- C. Ancey, N. Andreini, and G. Epely-Chauvin “Granular suspension avalanches down inclined flume. I. Macro-viscous behavior,” Physics of Fluids, 25, 033302, 2013.
- C. Ancey, N. Andreini, and G. Epely-Chauvin, “Viscoplastic dambreak waves: review of simple computational approaches and comparison with experiments,” Advances in Water Resources 48 (2012) 79–91.
- N. Andreini, G. Epely-Chauvin, and C. Ancey, “Internal dynamics of Newtonian and viscoplastic fluid avalanches down a sloping bed” Physics of Fluids 24 (2012) 053101.
- C. Ancey, “Are extreme avalanches `dragon-kings’ (or genuine outliers)?,” European Physical Journal Special Topics 205 (2012) 117-129.
- J.M.N.T. Gray and C. Ancey, “Multi-component particle size segregation in shallow granular avalanches,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 678 (2011) 535–588.
- S. Wiederseiner, N. Andreini, G. Epely-Chauvin, M. Monnereau, G. Moser, J.M.N.T. Gray, \& C. Ancey, “Experimental investigation into segregating granular flows down chutes”, Physics of Fluids 23 (2011) 013301.
- S. Wiederseiner, N. Andreini, G. Epely-Chauvin \& C. Ancey: “Refractive index matching in concentrated particle suspensions: A review”, Experiments in Fluids 50 (2011) 1183.
- V. Hergault, P. Frey, F. Métivier, C. Barat, C. Ducottet, T. Böhm, \& C. Ancey, “Particle tracking velocimetry for the study of bedload transport of two-size mixtures of spherical particles in a supercritical flow,” Experiments in Fluids 49 (2010) 1095–1107.
- C. Ancey, “Stochastic modelling in sediment dynamics: the Exner equation for planar-bed incipient-bedload-transport conditions,” Journal of Geophysical Research 115 (2010) F00A11.
- J.M.N.T. Gray and C. Ancey, “Particle size-segregation, recirculation, and deposition at coarse particle rich flow fronts,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 629 (2009) 387–423.
- C. Ancey, S. Cochard, \& M. Andreini, “Dam-break problem for viscous fluids in the high-capillary-number limit,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 624 (2009) 1–22.
- S. Cochard \& C. Ancey, “Experimental investigation of the spreading of viscoplastic fluids on inclined planes,” Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 158 (2009) 73–84.
- C. Ancey \& S. Cochard, “The dam-break problem for Herschel-Bulkley viscoplastic fluids down steep flumes,” Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 158 (2009) 18–35.
- J. Fang, A. Parriaux, M. Rentschler, and C. Ancey, “Enhancing SPH for incompressible viscous flows using a corrected particle approximation within an energy-based framework,” Applied Numerical Mathematics 59 (2009) 251–271. .
- C. Ancey, R. M. Iverson, M. Rentschler, and R. P. Denlinger, “An exact solution for ideal dam-break floods on steep slopes,” Water Resources Research 44 (2008) W01430.
- C. Ancey, A. Davison, T. Böhm, M. Jodeau, and P. Frey, “Entrainment and motion of coarse particles in a shallow water stream down a steep slope,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 595 (2008) 83–114.
- S. Cochard and C. Ancey, “Tracking the free surface of time-dependent flows: Image processing for the dam-break problem,” Experiments in Fluids 44 (2008) 59–71.
- C. Ancey, “Plasticity and geophysical flows: A review,” Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 142 (2007) 4–35.
- B. Turnbull, J. McElwaine, and C. Ancey: “The Kulikovskiy–Sveshnikova–Beghin Model of Powder Snow Avalanches: Development and Application,” Journal of Geophysical Research 112 (2007) F01004.
- C. Ancey, S. Cochard, M. Rentschler, and S. Wiederseiner, “Existence and features of similarity solutions for non-Boussinesq gravity currents,” Physica D 226 (2007) 32–54.
- C. Ancey, T. Böhm, M. Jodeau, and P. Frey, “Statistical description of sediment transport experiments,” Physical Review E 74 (2006) 011302.
- C. Ancey, S. Cochard, M. Rentschler, and S. Wiederseiner, “Front dynamics of supercritical non-Boussinesq gravity currents,” Water Resources Research 42 (2006) W08424.
- T. Böhm, C. Duccotet, C. Ancey, P. Frey and J.-L. Reboud, “Two-dimensional motion of a set of particles in a free surface flow with image processing,” Experiments in Fluids 41 (2006) 1–11.
- A. Remaître, J.-P. Malet, O. Maquaire, C. Ancey and J. Locat, “Flow behaviour and runout modelling of a complex debris flow in a clay-shale basin,” Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 30 (2005) 479–488.
- C. Ancey: “Solving the Couette inverse problem by using a wavelet-vaguelette decomposition,” Journal of Rheology 49 (2005) 441–460.
- C. Ancey: “Monte Carlo calibration of avalanches as a Coulomb fluid,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 363 (2005) 1529–1550.
- M. Meunier and C. Ancey: “Looking towards the use of a conceptual approach to predetermining high-return-period avalanche run-out distances,” Journal of Glaciology 50 (2004) 268–278.
- T. Böhm, C. Ancey, P. Frey, and J.-L. Reboud: “Influence of the bed arrangement on the particle transport in turbulent streams,” Physical Review E 69 (2004) 061307.
- C. Ancey and M. Meunier: “Computing extreme avalanches,” Cold Regions Sciences and Technology 39 (2004) 161–180.
- M. Meunier and C. Ancey: “Fitting avalanche-dynamics models avalanche-dynamics models with documented events from the Col du Lautaret site (France) using the conceptual approach,” Cold Regions Sciences and Technology (2004) 39 (2004) 55–66.
- C. Ancey and M. Meunier: “Estimation of bulk rheological properties of flowing avalanches from field data,” Journal of Geophysical Research 109 F01004 (2004).
- C. Ancey: “Powder-snow avalanches: approximation as non-Boussinesq clouds with a Richardson-number-dependent entrainment function,” Journal of Geophysical Research 109 F01004 (2004).
- C. Ancey, M. Meunier, and D. Richard: “The inverse problem in avalanche-dynamics models,” Water Resources Research 39 (2003) WR001749.
- C. Ancey, F. Bigillon, P. Frey, and J. Lanier: “Rolling motion of a single bead in a rapid shallow water stream down a steep channel,” Physical Review E 67 (2003) 011303.
- C. Ancey, F. Bigillon, P. Frey, and J. Lanier: “Saltating motion of a bead in a rapid water stream,” Physical Review E 66 (2002) 036306.
- M. Rastello, C. Ancey, F. Ousset, R. Magnard, E.J. Hopfinger: “An experimental study of particle-driven gravity currents on steep slopes with entrainment of particles,” Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 2 (2002) 181–185.
- C. Ancey: “Dry granular flow down an inclined channel: Experimental investigations on the frictional-collisional regime,” Physical Review E 65 (2002) 11304.
- C. Ancey: “Role of lubricated contacts in concentrated polydisperse suspensions,” Journal of Rheology 45 (2001) 1421–1439.
- C. Ancey and H. Jorrot: “Yield stress for particle suspensions within a clay dispersion,” Journal of Rheology 45 (2001) 297–319.
- C. Ancey and P. Evesque: “The frictional-collisional regime for granular suspension flows down an inclined channel,” Physical Review E 62 (2000) 8349–8360.
- C. Ancey, P. Coussot and P. Evesque: “A theoretical framework for granular suspensions in a simple shear flow,” Journal of Rheology 43 (1999) 1673–1699.
- C. Ancey and P. Coussot: “Transition frictionnelle/ visqueuse pour une suspension granulaire,” Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences 327 II B (1999) 515–522. The paper is in French, but includes a long abstract in English.
- P. Coussot and C. Ancey: “Rheophysical classification of concentrated suspensions and granular pastes,” Physical Review E 59 (1999) 4445–4457.
- C. Ancey, P. Evesque and P. Coussot: “Motion of a single bead on a bead row: Theoretical investigations,” Journal de Physique I 6 (1996) 725–751.
- C. Ancey, P. Coussot, P. Evesque: “Examination of the possibility of a fluid-mechanics treatment for dense granular flows,” Mechanics of Cohesive-Frictional Materials 1 (1996) 385–403.
- P. Coussot, S. Proust, C. Ancey: “Rheological and structural interpretation of mud, slurry and debris flow deposits,” Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 66 (1996) 55–70.
- C. Ancey and C. Charlier, “Quelques réflexions autour d’une classification des avalanches,” Revue de Géographie Alpine 84 (1996) 9–20.
Papers in technical journals
- C. Ancey, P. Bohorquez, et E. Bardou, Sediment transport in mountain rivers, Ercoftac 89, 37-52, 2014.
- J.P. Malet, A. Remaître, C. Ancey, M. Meunier, and J. Locat: “Caractérisation rhéologique des coulées de débris et des laves torrentielles,” Rhéologie 1 (2002) 17–25.
- M. Meunier, C. Ancey, and M. Naaim: “Mise au point d’une méthode de prédétermination statistique des cotes d’arrêt d’avalanches,” La Houille Blanche 6/7 (2001) 92–98.
- C. Ancey, F. Rapin, E. Martin, C. Coleou, M. Naaim and G. Brunot: “L’avalanche de Péclerey du 9 février 1999,” La Houille Blanche 5 (2000) 34–42.
- C. Ancey, “Modélisation des avalanches denses, approches théorique et numérique,” La Houille Blanche 5/6 (1994) 25–39.