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Scientific papers

  1. M. Kiani and C. Ancey, “Bed topography inference from velocity field using deep learning,” Water, 15, 4055, 2023.
  2. C. Ancey and A. Recking, Scaling behavior of bedload transport—What if Bagnold was right in the end? Earth-Science Reviews, 246 , 104571, 2023 . Electronic supplement .
  3. Z. Meng, J. Zhang, Y. Hu, and C. Ancey, Temporal prediction of landslide-generated waves using a theoretical-statistical combined method, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11, 1151, 2023
  4. M. Kiani and C. Ancey, Neural network to infer bed topography from velocity field: U-net architecture on huge experimental data, submitted to Water Resources Research .
  5. C. Ancey and A. Recking, Scaling behavior of bedload transport—What if Bagnold was right in the end? submitted to Reviews of Geophysics
  6. G. Rousseau and C. Ancey, An experimental investigation of turbulent free-surface flows over a steep permeable bed, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 941, A51
  7. M. Kyburz, J. Gaume, B. Sovilla, and C. Ancey, Physics-based estimates of drag coefficients for the impact pressure calculation of dense snow avalanches, Structural Engineering, 254, 113478, 2022.
  8. M. Kyburz, J. Gaume, B. Sovilla, and C. Ancey, Physics-based estimates of drag coefficients for the impact pressure calculation of dense snow avalanches, Granular Matter, 22, 45, 2022.
  9. T. Trewhela, J.M.N.T. Gray and C. Ancey, An experimental scaling law for particle-size segregation in dense granular flows, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 916, A55, 2021
  10. T. Trewhela and C. Ancey, A conveyor belt experimental setup to study the internal dynamics of granular avalanches, Experiments in Fluids 62, 207, 2021
  11. I. Pascal, C. Ancey and P. Bohorquez, The variability of antidune morphodynamics on steep slopes, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 46, 1750-1765, 2021.
  12. T. Trewhela, J.M.N.T. Gray and C. Ancey, Large particle segregation in sheared dense granular flows, Physical Review Fluids, 6, 054302, 2021.
  13. C. Ancey et I. Pascal, Estimating mean bedload transport rates and their uncertainties, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 125, e2020JF005534, 2020.
  14. C. Ancey,Bedload transport: a walk between randomness and determinism 2. Challenges and prospects. Journal of Hydraulic Research 58, 18-33, 2020
  15. C. Ancey,Bedload transport: a walk between randomness and determinism 1. State of the art. Journal of Hydraulic Research 58, 1-17, 2020
  16. Z. Meng, Y. Hu, C. Ancey , Using a data driven approach to predict waves generated by gravity driven mass flows, Water 12, 600, 2020.
  17. M. Kyburz, J. Gaume, B. Sovilla, and C. Ancey, Decoupling the role of inertia, friction and cohesion in dense granular avalanche pressure build-up on obstacles, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 125, e2019JF005192, 2020.
  18. T. Trewhela, J.M.N.T. Werder and C. Ancey, Large particle segregation in sheared dense granular flows Physical Review Fluids
  19. G. Rousseau and C. Ancey, Refractive index-matched scanning of turbulent flows over rough permeable beds, Experiments in Fluids
  20. C. Ancey, E. Bardou, M. Funk, M. Huss, T. Trewhela, and M. Werder, Hydraulic reconstruction of the 1818 Giétro glacial lake outburst flood, Water Resources Research, 53, 2019.
  21. Z. Meng and C. Ancey, The effects of slide cohesion on impulse wave formation, Experiments in Fluids 60 151 2019.
  22. B. Dhont and C. Ancey, “Are bedload transport pulses in gravel-bed rivers created by bar migration or sediment waves?,” Geophysical Research Letters 2018 45 5501-5508.
  23. K. van der Vaart, K., M.P. van Schrojenstein Lantman, T. Weinhart, S. Luding, C. Ancey, and A.R. Thornton, “Segregation of large particles in dense granular flows suggests a granular Saffman effect,” Physical Review Fluids 3 074303 2018.
  24. K. van der Vaart, A.R. Thornton, C.G. van Johnson T. Weinhart, T. Ling, P. Gajjar, C. Ancey, “Breaking size-segregation waves and mobility feedback in dense granular avalanches,” Granular Matter 20 46 2018.
  25. G. Zitti, C. Ancey, M. Postacchini, and M. C. Brocchini, Snow avalanches striking water basins: behaviour of the avalanche’s centre of mass and front, Natural Hazards, 88, 1297-1323, 2017.
  26. C. Ancey and B. M. Bates, “Stokes’ third problem for Herschel-Bulkley fluids,” Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 243, 27-37, 2017
  27. B. M. Bates and C. Ancey, “The dambreak problem for eroding viscoplastic fluids,” Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 243, 64-78
  28. G. Zitti, C. Ancey, M. Postacchini, and M. C. Brocchini, “Impulse waves generated by snow avalanches: Momentum and energy transfer to the water body,” Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 121, 2399-2423, 2016.
  29. B. Dhont, G. Rousseau, and C. Ancey, “Continuous monitoring of bedload transport in a laboratory flume using an impact sensor,” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 143, 04017005, 2017.
  30. J. Heyman, P. Bohorquez and C. Ancey, “Entrainment, motion, and deposition of coarse particles transported by water over a sloping mobile bed,” Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 2016 121 1931-1952.
  31. B. M. Bates, N. Andreini and C. Ancey, “Basal entrainment by Newtonian gravity-driven flows” Physics of Fluids 28 053101
  32. P. Bohorquez and C. Ancey, “Sediment diffusion in deterministic non-equilibrium bed load transport simulations,” Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40, 7474–7492, 2016.
  33. P. Gajjar, K. van der Vaart, A.R. Thornton, J.M.N.T Gray, and C. Ancey, Asymmetric breaking size-segregation waves in dense granular free-surface flows,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 794 460–505 .
  34. C. Ancey, P. Bohorquez and J. Heyman, “Stochastic interpretation of the advection diffusion equation and its relevance to bed load transport,” Journal of Geophysical Research 120, 2529–2551, 2015.
  35. J.M.N.T Gray and C. Ancey, “Particle size and density segregation in granular free-surface flows,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 779 622–668
  36. C. Ancey and V. Bain, “Dynamics of snow gliding and glide avalanches,” Reviews of Geophysics 53, 745–784, 2015
  37. K. van der Vaart, C. G. Johnson, P. Gajjar, J.M.N.T Gray, and C. Ancey, “An underlying asymmetry within particle-size segregation” Physical Review Letters 114 238001, 2015
  38. P. Bohorquez and C. Ancey, “Stochastic-deterministic modeling of bed load transport in shallow water flow over erodible slope: linear stability analysis and numerical simulation,” Advances in Water Resources 83, 26–54, 2015.
  39. H.-B. Ma, J. Heyman, X. Fu, F. Mettra, C. Ancey, and G. Parker, “Bedload transport over a broad range of time scales: determination of three regimes of fluctuations,” Journal of Geophysical Research 119, 2653-2673, 2015.
  40. J. Heyman, H.-B. Ma, F. Mettra, and C. Ancey, “Spatial correlations in bed load transport: Evidence, importance, and modeling,” Journal of Geophysical Research 119, 1751-1767, 2014
  41. C. Ancey and J. Heyman “A microstructural approach to bed load transport: mean behaviour and fluctuations of particle transport rates,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 744, 129-168, 2014.
  42. B. M. Bates, C. Ancey, and J. Busson, “Visualization of the internal flow properties and the material exchange interface in an entraining viscous Newtonian gravity current,” Environmental Fluid Mechanics 14, 501-518, 2014
  43. J. Heyman, F. Mettra, H.B. Ma, and C. Ancey, “Statistics of bedload transport over steep slopes: Separation of time scales and collective motion,” Geophysical Research Letters 40, 128-133, 2013.
  44. C. Ancey, N. Andreini, and G. Epely-Chauvin “The dam-break problem for concentrated suspensions of neutrally buoyant particles,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 724, 95–122, 2013.
  45. N. Andreini, C. Ancey, and G. Epely-Chauvin, “Ancey, C., N. Andreini, and Epely-Chauvin, Granular suspensions. II. Plastic behavior,” Physics of Fluids, 25, 033301, 2013.
  46. C. Ancey, N. Andreini, and G. Epely-Chauvin “Granular suspension avalanches down inclined flume. I. Macro-viscous behavior,” Physics of Fluids, 25, 033302, 2013.
  47. C. Ancey, N. Andreini, and G. Epely-Chauvin, “Viscoplastic dambreak waves: review of simple computational approaches and comparison with experiments,” Advances in Water Resources 48 (2012) 79–91.
  48. N. Andreini, G. Epely-Chauvin, and C. Ancey, “Internal dynamics of Newtonian and viscoplastic fluid avalanches down a sloping bed” Physics of Fluids 24 (2012) 053101.
  49. C. Ancey, “Are extreme avalanches `dragon-kings’ (or genuine outliers)?,” European Physical Journal Special Topics 205 (2012) 117-129.
  50. J.M.N.T. Gray and C. Ancey, “Multi-component particle size segregation in shallow granular avalanches,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 678 (2011) 535–588.
  51. S. Wiederseiner, N. Andreini, G. Epely-Chauvin, M. Monnereau, G. Moser, J.M.N.T. Gray, \& C. Ancey, “Experimental investigation into segregating granular flows down chutes”, Physics of Fluids 23 (2011) 013301.
  52. S. Wiederseiner, N. Andreini, G. Epely-Chauvin \& C. Ancey: “Refractive index matching in concentrated particle suspensions: A review”, Experiments in Fluids 50 (2011) 1183.
  53. V. Hergault, P. Frey, F. Métivier, C. Barat, C. Ducottet, T. Böhm, \& C. Ancey, “Particle tracking velocimetry for the study of bedload transport of two-size mixtures of spherical particles in a supercritical flow,” Experiments in Fluids 49 (2010) 1095–1107.
  54. C. Ancey, “Stochastic modelling in sediment dynamics: the Exner equation for planar-bed incipient-bedload-transport conditions,” Journal of Geophysical Research 115 (2010) F00A11.
  55. J.M.N.T. Gray and C. Ancey, “Particle size-segregation, recirculation, and deposition at coarse particle rich flow fronts,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 629 (2009) 387–423.
  56. C. Ancey, S. Cochard, \& M. Andreini, “Dam-break problem for viscous fluids in the high-capillary-number limit,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 624 (2009) 1–22.
  57. S. Cochard \& C. Ancey, “Experimental investigation of the spreading of viscoplastic fluids on inclined planes,” Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 158 (2009) 73–84.
  58. C. Ancey \& S. Cochard, “The dam-break problem for Herschel-Bulkley viscoplastic fluids down steep flumes,” Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 158 (2009) 18–35.
  59. J. Fang, A. Parriaux, M. Rentschler, and C. Ancey, “Enhancing SPH for incompressible viscous flows using a corrected particle approximation within an energy-based framework,” Applied Numerical Mathematics 59 (2009) 251–271. .
  60. C. Ancey, R. M. Iverson, M. Rentschler, and R. P. Denlinger, “An exact solution for ideal dam-break floods on steep slopes,” Water Resources Research 44 (2008) W01430.
  61. C. Ancey, A. Davison, T. Böhm, M. Jodeau, and P. Frey, “Entrainment and motion of coarse particles in a shallow water stream down a steep slope,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 595 (2008) 83–114.
  62. S. Cochard and C. Ancey, “Tracking the free surface of time-dependent flows: Image processing for the dam-break problem,” Experiments in Fluids 44 (2008) 59–71.
  63. C. Ancey, “Plasticity and geophysical flows: A review,” Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 142 (2007) 4–35.
  64. B. Turnbull, J. McElwaine, and C. Ancey: “The Kulikovskiy–Sveshnikova–Beghin Model of Powder Snow Avalanches: Development and Application,” Journal of Geophysical Research 112 (2007) F01004.
  65. C. Ancey, S. Cochard, M. Rentschler, and S. Wiederseiner, “Existence and features of similarity solutions for non-Boussinesq gravity currents,” Physica D 226 (2007) 32–54.
  66. C. Ancey, T. Böhm, M. Jodeau, and P. Frey, “Statistical description of sediment transport experiments,” Physical Review E 74 (2006) 011302.
  67. C. Ancey, S. Cochard, M. Rentschler, and S. Wiederseiner, “Front dynamics of supercritical non-Boussinesq gravity currents,” Water Resources Research 42 (2006) W08424.
  68. T. Böhm, C. Duccotet, C. Ancey, P. Frey and J.-L. Reboud, “Two-dimensional motion of a set of particles in a free surface flow with image processing,” Experiments in Fluids 41 (2006) 1–11.
  69. A. Remaître, J.-P. Malet, O. Maquaire, C. Ancey and J. Locat, “Flow behaviour and runout modelling of a complex debris flow in a clay-shale basin,” Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 30 (2005) 479–488.
  70. C. Ancey: “Solving the Couette inverse problem by using a wavelet-vaguelette decomposition,” Journal of Rheology 49 (2005) 441–460.
  71. C. Ancey: “Monte Carlo calibration of avalanches as a Coulomb fluid,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 363 (2005) 1529–1550.
  72. M. Meunier and C. Ancey: “Looking towards the use of a conceptual approach to predetermining high-return-period avalanche run-out distances,” Journal of Glaciology 50 (2004) 268–278.
  73. T. Böhm, C. Ancey, P. Frey, and J.-L. Reboud: “Influence of the bed arrangement on the particle transport in turbulent streams,” Physical Review E 69 (2004) 061307.
  74. C. Ancey and M. Meunier: “Computing extreme avalanches,” Cold Regions Sciences and Technology 39 (2004) 161–180.
  75. M. Meunier and C. Ancey: “Fitting avalanche-dynamics models avalanche-dynamics models with documented events from the Col du Lautaret site (France) using the conceptual approach,” Cold Regions Sciences and Technology (2004) 39 (2004) 55–66.
  76. C. Ancey and M. Meunier: “Estimation of bulk rheological properties of flowing avalanches from field data,” Journal of Geophysical Research 109 F01004 (2004).
  77. C. Ancey: “Powder-snow avalanches: approximation as non-Boussinesq clouds with a Richardson-number-dependent entrainment function,” Journal of Geophysical Research 109 F01004 (2004).
  78. C. Ancey, M. Meunier, and D. Richard: “The inverse problem in avalanche-dynamics models,” Water Resources Research 39 (2003) WR001749.
  79. C. Ancey, F. Bigillon, P. Frey, and J. Lanier: “Rolling motion of a single bead in a rapid shallow water stream down a steep channel,” Physical Review E 67 (2003) 011303.
  80. C. Ancey, F. Bigillon, P. Frey, and J. Lanier: “Saltating motion of a bead in a rapid water stream,” Physical Review E 66 (2002) 036306.
  81. M. Rastello, C. Ancey, F. Ousset, R. Magnard, E.J. Hopfinger: “An experimental study of particle-driven gravity currents on steep slopes with entrainment of particles,” Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 2 (2002) 181–185.
  82. C. Ancey: “Dry granular flow down an inclined channel: Experimental investigations on the frictional-collisional regime,” Physical Review E 65 (2002) 11304.
  83. C. Ancey: “Role of lubricated contacts in concentrated polydisperse suspensions,” Journal of Rheology 45 (2001) 1421–1439.
  84. C. Ancey and H. Jorrot: “Yield stress for particle suspensions within a clay dispersion,” Journal of Rheology 45 (2001) 297–319.
  85. C. Ancey and P. Evesque: “The frictional-collisional regime for granular suspension flows down an inclined channel,” Physical Review E 62 (2000) 8349–8360.
  86. C. Ancey, P. Coussot and P. Evesque: “A theoretical framework for granular suspensions in a simple shear flow,” Journal of Rheology 43 (1999) 1673–1699.
  87. C. Ancey and P. Coussot: “Transition frictionnelle/ visqueuse pour une suspension granulaire,” Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences 327 II B (1999) 515–522. The paper is in French, but includes a long abstract in English.
  88. P. Coussot and C. Ancey: “Rheophysical classification of concentrated suspensions and granular pastes,” Physical Review E 59 (1999) 4445–4457.
  89. C. Ancey, P. Evesque and P. Coussot: “Motion of a single bead on a bead row: Theoretical investigations,” Journal de Physique I 6 (1996) 725–751.
  90. C. Ancey, P. Coussot, P. Evesque: “Examination of the possibility of a fluid-mechanics treatment for dense granular flows,” Mechanics of Cohesive-Frictional Materials 1 (1996) 385–403.
  91. P. Coussot, S. Proust, C. Ancey: “Rheological and structural interpretation of mud, slurry and debris flow deposits,” Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 66 (1996) 55–70.
  92. C. Ancey and C. Charlier, “Quelques réflexions autour d’une classification des avalanches,” Revue de Géographie Alpine 84 (1996) 9–20.

Papers in technical journals

  1. C. Ancey, P. Bohorquez, et E. Bardou, Sediment transport in mountain rivers, Ercoftac 89, 37-52, 2014.
  2. J.P. Malet, A. Remaître, C. Ancey, M. Meunier, and J. Locat: “Caractérisation rhéologique des coulées de débris et des laves torrentielles,” Rhéologie 1 (2002) 17–25.
  3. M. Meunier, C. Ancey, and M. Naaim: “Mise au point d’une méthode de prédétermination statistique des cotes d’arrêt d’avalanches,” La Houille Blanche 6/7 (2001) 92–98.
  4. C. Ancey, F. Rapin, E. Martin, C. Coleou, M. Naaim and G. Brunot: “L’avalanche de Péclerey du 9 février 1999,” La Houille Blanche 5 (2000) 34–42.
  5. C. Ancey, “Modélisation des avalanches denses, approches théorique et numérique,” La Houille Blanche 5/6 (1994) 25–39.