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C. Ancey (coord.), Dynamique des Avalanches (Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Lausanne, 2006). (PPUR website)
M. Meunier, C. Ancey, et D. Richard, L’approche conceptuelle pour l’étude des avalanches, (Cemagref Éditions, Antony, 2004).
M. Meunier, C. Ancey, et D. Richard Conceptual Approach to the Study of Snow Avalanches, (Cemagref Éditions, Antony, 2004).
C. Ancey (coord.), Guide Neige et Avalanches, 2nde édition (Edisud, Aix-en-Provence, 1998) 320 p. [1ère édition, 1996].
P. Coussot and C. Ancey, Rhéophysique des pâtes et des suspensions, (EDP Sciences, Les Ulis, 1999). 266 p.
C. Ancey (coord), Actes du séminaire de rhéologie. Paris 19–20 mai 1998, (Cemagref éditions, Antony, 1998) 247 p.
Book chapters
C. Ancey, “Snow Avalanches,” in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards, A. Graubard (editor), (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2015).
C. Ancey, “Debris Flows,” in Environmental Geomechanics, P. Delage and B. Schrefler (editors), (Wiley & Sons, New-York, 2013).
C. Ancey, “Snow Avalanches,” in Environmental Geomechanics, P. Delage and B. Schrefler (editors), (Wiley & Sons, New-York, 2013).
C. Ancey, “Gravity flow on steep slope,” in Buoyancy-Driven Flows, E. Chassignet & C. Cenedese (editors), (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,2012).
C. Ancey, “Mudflows,” in Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards, P. Bobrowsky (editor), (Springer, New-York, 2013), p. 706.
C. Ancey, “Debris flows and related phenomena,” in Geomorphological Fluid Mechanics, N. J. Balmforth and A. Provenzale (editors), Lecture Notes in Physics 582 (Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2001) 528–547.
C. Ancey, “Snow avalanches,” in Geomorphological Fluid Mechanics, 2001, edited by N. Balmforth and A. Provenzale (editors), Lecture Notes in Physics 582 (Springer Verlag, Berlin) 319–338.
C. Ancey, “Introduction to rheology and application to geophysics,” in Geomorphological Fluid Mechanics, N. Balmforth and A. Provenzale (editors), Lecture Notes in Physics 582 (Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2001) 52–78.
P. Coussot and C. Ancey, “Du magma à la neige,” in Comprendre la rhéologie, P. Coussot and J.-L. Grossiord (editors) (EDP Sciences, Les Ulis, 2002) 137–157.
C. Ancey, M. Meunier, and D. Richard, “Éléments d’hydraulique torrentielle pour l’ingénieur,” in Risques naturels et patrimoine, P. Delage and B. Schrefler (editors), (Hermès, Paris, 2001) 21–44.
C. Ancey and F. Rapin, “Nivologie pour l’ingénieur,” in Risques naturels et patrimoine, P. Delage and B. Schrefler (editors), (Hermès, Paris, 2001) 45–68.
C. Ancey, “Le transport solide comme exemple d’écoulement biphasique,” in Micromécanique des milieux granulaires, J. Lanier (editors), (Hermès, Paris, 2001) 155–182.
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