You will find here the list of contributions to scientific symposia with and without review process. For conferences publishing proceedings, most articles are accessible by clicking on .
Conferences with review process
- B. Dhont, C. Ancey & P. Bohorquez, “Bar dynamics and sediment transport pulses in gravel-bed channels,” River Flow Conference, 5–8 September 2018.
- C. Ancey & P. Bohorquez, “Stochastic bedload transport in mountain streams,” River Flow Conference, 5–8 September 2018.
- G. Rousseau, B. de Graffenried, & C. Ancey, “Vélocimétrie par scan 3D des écoulements turbulents hétérogènes : application à un écoulement à surface libre sur une matrice poreuse, 16ème Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser pour la mécanique des fluides, CNRS, Centrale Supélec, Université Paris Saclay,IRSN, Sep 2018, Dourdan, France.
- C. Ancey & P. Bohorquez, “Stochastic bedload transport in mountain streams,” River Flow Conference, 5–8 September 2018.
- G. Zitti, C. Ancey, M. Postacchini & M. Brocchini “Impulsive waves generated by low-density avalanches,” IAHR/COPRI Symposium Long Waves and Relevant Extremes , 36th IAHR World Congress, The Hague 2015, 28 June–3 July 2015.
- P. Bohorquez, & C. Ancey, “Morphodynamic instability in a novel Saint-Venant-Exner model for bedload transport,” Advances in Numerical Modelling of Hydrodynamics workshop, 24–25 March 2015, University of Sheffield, UK.
- S. Sovilla, S. Margreth, M. Schaer, E. Thibert, J.-T. Fischer, D. Baroudi, and C. Ancey, “Taking into account wet avalanche load for the design of tower-like structures,” in ISSW 29 Sep.–3 Oct. 2014, Banff, Canada, 2014, pp. 727–732.
- E. Travaglini, E. Bardou, C. Ancey, & P. Bohorquez, “Analysis of sediment transport from recorded signals of sediments in a gravel-bed river: role of sediment availability,” IAEG XII Congress, Torino, September 15-19, 2014.
- J. Heyman and C. Ancey, “Tracking bed load particles in a steep flume: Methods and results,” 7th International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, River Flow Conference 2014, Lausanne, 3–5 Sep. 2014, paper 107143.
- C. Ancey, “Why don’t avalanche-dynamics models of higher complexity necessarily lead to better predictions?”, International Snow Science Workshop Grenoble – Chamonix Mont-Blanc, October 2013.
- S. Cochard & C. Ancey, “Dam breaks of viscoplastic material on an inclined plane,” IAHR Conference Brisbane July 2011, pp. 591–598.
- D. Marra, T. Earl, & C. Ancey, “Experimental investigations of dam break flows down an inclined channel”, IAHR Conference Brisbane July 2011, pp. 623–630.
- S. Wiederseiner & C. Ancey, “Rheophysics of highly concentrated coarse-particle suspensions in a wide-gap Couette rheometer,” 6th International Conference on the Micromechanics of Granular Media, Powders & Grains , 13–17 July 2009, Golden (Colorado), 1063–1066, AIP Conference Proceedings 1145.
- N. Andreini, S. Wiederseiner, M. Rentschler, & C. Ancey, “Avalanches of concentrated granular suspensions down an inclined plane”, XVth International Congress on Rheology and 80th Annual Meeting of The Society of Rheology, Monterey, California 3–8 August 2008, AIP Conference Proceedings 1027, 1045–1047.
- S. Wiederseiner & C. Ancey, “Rheophysical investigation in concentrated particle suspensions”, XVth International Congress on Rheology and 80th Annual Meeting of The Society of Rheology, Monterey, California 3–8 August 2008, AIP Conference Proceedings 1027, 929–931.
- V. Hergault, P. Frey, F. Métivier, C. Ducottet, T. Böhm, & C. Ancey, “Experimental study of bed load transport on steep slopes with a two-size mixture of spherical particles,” 5th IAHR Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, University of Twente (Enschede, Netherlands), September 17–21 2007 (Balkema, Rotterdam, 2007) pp. 565–570.
- P. Frey, M. Dufresne, T. Böhm, M. Jodeau & C. Ancey, “Experimental study of bed load transport on steep slopes,” River Flow 2006 — International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, University of Lisbon, Proceedings edited by R. Ferreira, E. Alves, J. Leal, and A.H. Cardoso (Balkema, Rotterdam, 2006), pp. 887–893
- S. Cochard & C. Ancey, “Accurate measurements of free-surface in the dam-break problem,” River Flow 2006 — International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, University of Lisbon, Proceedings edited by R. Ferreira, E. Alves, J. Leal, and A.H. Cardoso (Balkema, Rotterdam, 2006), pp. 1863–1872.
- C. Ancey, T. Böhm, M. Jodeau, & P. Frey, “Wide solid-discharge fluctuations and collective effects in bed-load transport,” River Flow 2006 — International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, University of Lisbon, Proceedings edited by R. Ferreira, E. Alves, J. Leal, and A.H. Cardoso (Balkema, Rotterdam, 2006), pp. 833–843.
- P. Frey, M. Dufresne, T. Böhm, M. Jodeau, & C. Ancey, “Experimental study of bed load on steep slopes,” River Flow 2006 — International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, University of Lisbon, Proceedings edited by R. Ferreira, E. Alves, J. Leal, and A.H. Cardoso (Balkema, Rotterdam, 2006), pp. 887–893.
- C. Ancey, S. Cochard, M. Rentschler, & S. Wiederseiner, “Front dynamics of a water surge at high Reynolds number: Similarity solutions to the Saint-Venant equations,” River Flow 2006 — International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, University of Lisbon, Proceedings edited by R. Ferreira, E. Alves, J. Leal, and A.H. Cardoso(Balkema, Rotterdam, 2006), pp. 1463–1472.
- C. Ancey, T. Böhm, M. Jodeau, P. Frey & J.-L. Reboud, “Saltating or rolling stones?,” 4th IAHR Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, University of Illinois, October 4–7 2005, Proceedings edited by G. Parker and M. García (Balkema, Rotterdam, 2005) pp. 3–11.
- T. Böhm, C. Duccotet, C. Ancey, P. Frey & J.-L. Reboud, “Two-dimensional motion of a set of particles in a free surface flow with image processing,” Powders and Grains, Stuttgart, July 2005, Proceedings edited by R. García-Rojo, H.J. Hermann, and S. McNamara, (Balkema, Rotterdam, 2005) pp. 807–810.
- P. Vollmöller, A. Dedner, & C. Ancey, : “Computing granular avalanches across irregular terrain,” Powders and Grains, Stuttgart, August 2005, Proceedings edited by R. García-Rojo, H.J. Hermann, and S. McNamara, (Balkema, Rotterdam, 2005), pp. 807–810.
- A. Remaître, C. Ancey, & O. Maquaire: “Study of debris flows triggering by a rheological investigation, example of the Faucon stream (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France),” 3rd International Conference on Debris Flow Hazards Mitigation, Davos, September 2003, Proceedings edited by D. Rickenmann & C.-L. Chen, (Millpress, Rotterdam, 2003) pp. 375–386.
- J.-P. Malet, A. Remaître, O. Maquaire, C. Ancey, & J. Locat: “Flow susceptibility of heterogeneous marly formations: implications for torrent control in the Barcelonnette Basin (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France),” 3rd International Conference on Debris Flow Hazards Mitigation, Davos, September 2003, Proceedings edited by D. Rickenmann & C.-L. Chen, (Millpress, Rotterdam, 2003) pp. 351–362.
- E. Bardou, C. Ancey, C. Bonnard, & L. Vulliet: “A typological approach of debris flow useful for hazard assessment in the alpine area ),” 3rd International Conference on Debris Flow Hazards Mitigation, Davos, September 2003, Proceedings edited by D. Rickenmann & C.-L. Chen, (Millpress, Rotterdam, 2003) pp. 799–808.
- P. Coussot, J.S. Raynaud, & C. Ancey: “Combined MRI-Rheometry determination of the behavior of mud suspensions,” 3rd International Conference on Debris Flow Hazards Mitigation, Davos, September 2003, Proceedings edited by D. Rickenmann & C.-L. Chen, (Millpress, Rotterdam, 2003) pp. 291–302.
- C. Ancey: “Role of particle network in concentrated mud suspensions,” 3rd International Conference on Debris Flow Hazards Mitigation, Davos, September 2003, Proceedings edited by D. Rickenmann & C.-L. Chen, (Millpress, Rotterdam, 2003) pp. 257–268.
- A. Remaître, J.-P. Malet, O. Maquaire, D. laigle, C. Ancey, & J. Locat: “Torrential hazard assessment using a debris-flow runout model. The case of the Faucon stream,” 3rd International Conference on Debris Flow and Landslides, Sorento (Italy) (2003).
- F. Rapin & C. Ancey: “Conditions of two major avalanches at Chamonix in 1999 (France),” Proceedings of the International Snow Science Workshop (2000) 509–513.
- C. Ancey, P. Coussot, and P. Evesque: “Energy dissipation within dense granular flows down an inclined open channel,” actes du colloque Powders and Grains , Durham (1997) 475–479.
- C. Ancey and M. Naaim: “Modelisation of dense avalanches,” Comptes Rendus de l’Université d’été , Chamonix 1992 (ANENA, Grenoble, 1995) pp.173–182.
Conferences without review process
- Z. Meng, H. Yating & C. Ancey, Viscoplastic fluid impacting a water body: wave prediction from viscoplastic fluid at rest, VPF8 Viscoplastic Fluids: from Theory to Application 2019, Cambridge, 16-20 September 2019.
- M. Kyburz, B. Sovilla & C. Ancey, “How avalanche velocity and snow cohesion influence impact pressure build-up on structures” EGU Meeting, 7–12 April 2019, Vienna, Austria
- M. Kyburz, B. Sovilla & C. Ancey, “Avalanche pressures at the Vallée de la Sionne test site: Interaction of avalanches and narrow structures studied with DEM Conference: ISSW 2018- International snow science workshop – A merging of theory and practice,” 7-12 October, Innsbruck, Austria, At Innsbruck, Austria
- M. Kyburz, B. Sovilla & C. Ancey, “Dense flow avalanche pressure on obstacle studied with DEM,” EGU Meeting, 8–13 April 2018, Vienna, Austria
- Z. Meng & C. Ancey, “Experimental study of viscoplastic avalanches striking a water body using PIV techniques,” EGU Meeting, 8–13 April 2018, Vienna, Austria
- Z. Meng & C. Ancey, “Experimental comparison of tsunami generated by viscoplastic and granular slides,” EGU Meeting, 8–13 April 2018, Vienna, Austria
- T. Trewhela & C. Ancey, “Intruders size-segregating under oscillating shear flows,” EGU Meeting, 8–13 April 2018, Vienna, Austria
- C. Ancey &,P. Bohorquez, “Stochastic bedload transport model in mountain streams,” River, Coastal, and Estuarine Morphodynamics, Padova (Italy) 18–22 September 2017
- B. Dhont &,C. Ancey, “Bedload tranport rate fluctuations in a flume with alternate bars under steady state conditions,” River, Coastal, and Estuarine Morphodynamics, Padova (Italy) 18–22 September 2017
- C. Ancey, B. Bates, & N. Andreini, “Basal entrainment by Newtonian or viscoplastic gravity-driven flows,” IPGP workskop “Rheology of complex materials,” 13-14 October 2016, Paris.
- P. Bohorquez &, C. Ancey, “One-dimensional bedforms in shallow water flow over erodible slope: Stability analysis and stochastic dynamics,” 11th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Sevilla (Spain) 12–16 September 2016
- P. Bohorquez &, C. Ancey, “One-dimensional bedforms in shallow water flow over erodible slope: Stability analysis and stochastic dynamics,” EFCM11. 11th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, 12-16 Sep. 2016, Sevilla, Spain.
- G. Rousseau & C. Ancey, “Toward a new methodology for measuring the threshold Shields number,” EGU Meeting, 17–22 April 2016, Vienna, Austria
- C. Ancey & P. Bohorquez, “Stochastic bedload transport model: the remains of the day,” EGU Meeting, 17–22 April 2016, Vienna, Austria
- C. Ancey, P. Bohorquez, & J. Heyman, “The nature and role of advection in advection-diffusion equations used for modelling bed load transport,” EGU Meeting, 17–22 April 2016, Vienna, Austria
- C. Ancey, B. Bates, & N. Andreini, “Basal entrainment by Newtonian gravity-driven flows,” EGU Meeting, 17–22 April 2016, Vienna, Austria
- B. Dhont & C. Ancey, “High-resolution monitoring of bedload transport rates: a benchmark of two approaches (accelerometers and image processing),” EGU Meeting, 17–22 April 2016, San Francisco, Austria
- J. Heyman, & C. Ancey, “Bed load dynamics at the onset of motion” Two-Phase Continuum Models for Geophysical Particle-Fluid Flows, Dresden, 14–18 March 2016.
- B. Dhont & C. Ancey, “Time scales, bedforms and bedload transport,” AGU Fall Meeting, 14–18 December 2015, San Francisco, USA
- C. Ancey, , “Risques hydrologiques et changement climatique dans les Alpes,” Conférence “Changement climatique anticiper et se préparer,” EPFL, Lausanne, 5 November 2015.
- G. Zitti, C. Ancey, M. Postacchini & M. Brocchini, “Impulsive waves generated by snow avalanches falling into lakes,” 36th IAHR Congress 28 June–3 July 2015, Delft.
- B. Bates & C. Ancey, “Refractive index matched suspensions as a tool for investigating entrainment by avalanches and debris flows,” 2015 EGU General Assembly, 12 April–17 April 2014, Vienna.
- B. Bates & C. Ancey, “A viscoplastic lubrication model for entrainment by avalanches and debris flows, and comparison with experiments,” 2015 EGU General Assembly, 12 April–17 April 2014, Vienna.
- P. Bohorquez & C. Ancey, “Morphodynamic instability in a novel Saint-Venant-Exner model for bedload,” transportWorkshop on Advances in Numerical Modelling of Hydrodynamics, Sheffield University, March 2015.
- K. van der Vaart, J.M.N.T. Gray, & C. Ancey, “Asymmetry in size-segregation rates,” Gordon Research Seminar, Granular & Granular-Fluid Flow (GRS), July 19-20, 2014, Stonehill College, Easton, MA
- B. Bates & C. Ancey, “Entraining avalanches on slopes: results from experiments using PIV on viscoplastic gravity currents,” 2014 EGU General Assembly, 27 April–2 May 2014, Vienna.
- B. Bates & C. Ancey, “A model for entrainment in avalanches and debris flows,” 2014 EGU General Assembly, 27 April–2 May 2014, Vienna. from PIV measurements of viscous gravity currents
- C. Ancey, J. Heyman, & P. Bohorquez, “Fluctuations of particle transport rates in graved-bed rivers or the quest for equilibrium?” 3rd IAHR Europe Congress, 14–16 April 2014.
- F. Mettra, J. Heyman, & C. Ancey, “Bedform migration in steep channels: from local avalanches to large-scale changes. An experimental study,” AGU Fall Meeting, 9–14 December 2013, San Francisco, USA
- F. Mettra, J. Heyman, & C. Ancey, “From bedform evolution to channel slope fluctuations in steep-slope streams,” 8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology, August 27-31 2013, Paris, France
- J. Heyman, F. Mettra, & C. Ancey, “Spatio-temporal fluctuation in bedload transport,” 8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology, August 27-31 2013, Paris, France
- K. van der Vaart, J.M.N.T. Gray, & C. Ancey, “Segregation in a quasi stationary avalanche on an inclined conveyor,” 2nd IMA Conference on Dense Granular Flows, July 1–4 2013, Cambridge, UK
- F. Mettra, J. Heyman, & C. Ancey, “Channel meta-stability: effects on bedload transport,” 8th Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, RCEM 2013, Santader (Spain), 9–13 June 2013.
- J. Heyman, F. Mettra, & C. Ancey, “From standing to breaking antidunes: an Hopf bifurcation?,” 8th Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, RCEM 2013, Santader (Spain), 9–13 June 2013. 31, August Paris, 2013.
- J. Heyman & C. Ancey, “Bedload transport powered by daily floods: unsteadiness and stochasticity,” 2013 EGU General Assembly , 07–12 April 2013, Vienna.
- B. Bates & C. Ancey, “Effect of available entrainable material on a viscous gravity current including run-out characteristics and internal flow properties,” 2013 EGU General Assembly , 07–12 April 2013, Vienna.
- K. van der Vaart, J.M.N.T. Gray, & C. Ancey, “Segregation in a quasi stationary avalanche on an inclined conveyor,” 2013 EGU General Assembly , 07–12 April 2013, Vienna.
- B. Bates & C. Ancey, “Laboratory-Scale Dam-Break Study of Gravity Currents with Basal Entrainment: PIV Measurements of a Viscous Newtonian Fluid over a Horizontal Bed of the same fluid.,” 2012 AGU Fall Meeting , 3–7 December 2012 San Francisco.
- H. B. Ma, J. Heyman, Ancey and & X. D. Fu, “Multi-scale fluctuations of bed load transport rate over steep slope,” Fall Meeting, AGU, 3-7 December 2012, San Francisco, USA
- J. Heyman & C. Ancey, “Bedload transport over steep slopes: time scales and collective motion,” Saladyn 2012, Paris, 5-7 November, Paris, France, Paris, France
- F. Mettra, J. Heyman, & C. Ancey, “From local slope fluctuations to channel evolution in steep-slope streams,” 7th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology, August 27-31, Paris, France
- J. Heyman, & C. Ancey, “Time scale analysis of bedload discharge: from intermittency to white noise,” 7th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology, August 27-31, Paris, France
- F. Mettra, J. Heyman, & C. Ancey, “Characterization of bedload transport in steep-slope streams,” EGU General Assembly 2012, April 22-27, Vienna, Austria
- H. B. Ma, J. Heyman, Ancey and & X. D. Fu, “Exact solutions of ideal dam break flood for arbitrary cross-section,” EGU Assembly 2012, April 22-27, Vienna, Austria
- J. Heyman & C. Ancey, “Time scale analysis of bedload discharge” Stochastic Transport and Emergent Scaling in Earth-surface Processes, Glenbrook, United States, 31 Oct.–2 Nov. 2011.
- C. Ancey, “Revisiting the dam-break problem” Numerical Approximations of Hyperbolic Systems with Source Terms and Applications (Roscoff, September 2011).
- D. Marra, T. Earl, and C. Ancey, “Laboratory experiments of dam break flows down an inclined channel,” 6th conference Water Engineering and Management in a Changing Environment , Catania, Italy, 29 June–02 July 2011.
- C. Ancey, “Sediment transport under dam-break flows on steep slope” IAHR Symposium on Two-phase Modelling for Sediment Dynamics in Geophysical Flows with THESIS-2011 (Paris, April 2011).
- C. Ancey, V. Métraux, F. Mettra: “Alternative(s) to fractional-diffusion equations in bedload transport models,” EGU annual meeting, Vienna (Austria), 3–7 May 2010.
- S. Padoan, C. Ancey, M. Parlange: “Analysis of the dependence of extreme rainfalls,” EGU annual meeting, Vienna (Austria), 3–7 May 2010.
- C. Ancey, G. Epely-Chauvin, F. Mettra: “Alternative(s) to fractional-diffusion equations in bedload transport models,” NCED Workshop “Stochastic Transport and Emergent Scaling in Earth-surface Processes,” Incline Village (Nevada, USA), 3–6 November 2009.
- C. Ancey, “Fluid Avalanches in the Laboratory: outline of recent work,” Geoflows’09 meeting, University of Washington, March 2009.
- S. Wiederseiner, C. Ancey, N. Andreini & M. Rentschler: Velocity and concentration profiles measurements in concentrated particle suspensions,” IMA conference January 2009 (Cambridge, Isaac Newton Institute).
- C. Ancey, “Fluid avalanches on the laboratory scale,” SIAM meeting, San Diego, California, July 2008.
- C. Ancey: “Intermittent bedload transport,” NCED Workshop “Stochastic Transport and Emergent Scaling in Earth-surface Processes,” Reno (Nevada, USA), 4–7 November 2007.
- S. Wiederseiner & C. Ancey: “Rheophysical investigation on concentrated noncolloidal particle suspensions in a wide-gap Couette cell,” 2nd international workshop on Viscoplasticy, Monte Verità (Switzerland) 14–19 October 2007.
- S. Cochard & C. Ancey: “Dam-break problem and viscoplastic flows: new experimental results”, 2nd international workshop on Viscoplasticy, Monte Verità (Switzerland) 14–19 October 2007.
- C. Ancey: “Dynamics of rapid surges,” Complex Geophysical Gravity Currents Workshop, University of British Columbia, Vancouver 2–4 March 2007 (invited lecturer).
- C. Ancey: “Avalanche: from lab to snow avalanches,” Flow in Glassy systems, Winter School les Houches 5–9 February 2007 (invited lecturer).
- M. Rentschler, C. Ancey, S. Cochard: “Numerical simulation of viscoplastic flows,” American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, December 2006, San Francisco.
- S. Wiederseiner & C. Ancey: “Rheophysical experiments on concentrated particle suspensions in a wide-gape Couette cell,” 78th SOR Annual meeting Portland, Maine, October 8–12, 2006.
- C. Ancey: “Physics of avalanches,” Eleventh International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems Theory, Numerics, Applications, 19 July 2006, Lyon, École Normale Supérieure (invited lecturer).
- C. Ancey: “Wavelet-vaguelette decomposition and its application to rheometry,” Wavelets & Applications conference, Lausanne organized by the IEEE, 12 July 2006 (invited lecturer).
- J. McElwaine, B. Turnbull, C. Ancey: “KSB powder snow avalanche model,” European Geophysical Union, Vienna, April 2006, EGU06-A-08969.
- C. Ancey, S. Cochard, M. Rentschler, and S. Wiederseiner: “Similarity solutions for a gravity current in the high Reynolds-number limit for the shallow-water equations,” European Geophysical Union, Vienna, April 2006, EGU06-A-00071.
- P. Frey, M. Dufrene, T. Böhm, M. Jodeau, and C. Ancey: “Experimental study of bed-load on steep slopes at the grain scale,” European Geophysical Union, Vienna, April 2006, EGU06-A-03044.
- C. Ancey: “Viscoplasticity and Geophysical Flows: from field evidence to laboratory experiments,” Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, Workshop “Visco-plastic fluids: from Theory to Application” organized by N. Balmforth and I. Friggard, October 2005, Banff [invited lecturer].
- P. Vollmöller & C. Ancey: “Computation of gravity-driven free-surface flow Phenomena,” SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences, Avignon, June 2005.
- P. Vollmöller & C. Ancey: “Influence of internal stress effects in granular avalanches,” European Geophysical Union, Vienna, April 2005.
- C. Ancey & P. Vollmöller: “Computation of gravity-driven free-surface flows,” International Conference on Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Indian Institute of Technology of Guwahati, India, February, 2005 [invited lecturer].
- P. Vollmöller & C. Ancey: “Computing granular avalanches across irregular terrain,” Fall AGU meeting, December 2004, San Francisco.
- C. Ancey: “The rheophysical approach in Geophysics,” Workshop Granular Flow, Bristol, Isaac Newton Institute, October 2003 (invited lecturer).
- T. Böhm & C. Ancey: “Experimental investigation into the physical mechanisms of bed load transport on steep slopes,” Workshop Granular Flow, Cambridge, Isaac Newton Institute, September 2003.
- C. Ancey : “Rheological behavior of natural muds,” Annual meeting of the Society of Rheology, Minneapolis (2002).
- M. Rastello, H. Bellot, D. Vionnet, E. Hopfinger, & C. Ancey: “Comparison of two physical modelisations of powder-snow avalanches,” 27th European Geophysical Society , Nice (2002).
- C. Ancey: “Recent progress in the rheophysics of geosuspensions: the role of particle networks,” 27th Meeting of the European Geophysical Society , Nice (2002) (invited lecturer).
- E. Hopfinger, M. Rastello, & C. Ancey: “Simulation of powder snow avalanches,” 54th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, Meeting of the American Physical Society, San Diego (2001).
- M. Rastello, C. Ancey, & E. Hopfinger: “An experimental study of particle-driven gravity currents on steep slope with entrainment of particles.” 26th European Geophysical Society , Nice (2001).
- F. Bigillon, C. Ancey, P. Frey, & J. Lanier: “2D-motion of a single bead down a water flow in a steep channel,” 25th European Geophysical Society . Nice (2000).
- C. Ancey, M. Meunier, & C. Charlier: “Utilisation d’outils statistiques dans la détermination des scénarios de l’avalanche de référence et l’aide à la décision, actes du séminaire.” 8e Table Ronde Avalanche Control in Europe , pp. 47–58, edited by R. Bolognési et E. Bassetti, Breuil (1999).
- C. Ancey: “La rhéologie des avalanches,” 7e Table Ronde Avalanche Control in Europe , La Plagne, 1998.